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The Acts of the Apostles is a compendium of the Christian faith in action. It combines history and theology to illustrate various aspects of the first Church—among them, how Christianity spread after Christ’s ascension and how the Church was established. It provides a detailed view of the life of the early community of Christians in Jerusalem and of the dispersion of the Christians, as well as of...

the emperor Caligula, who gradually gave him more territory and allowed him to use the title of king. Agrippa I managed to extend his authority over all the territory his grandfather had ruled: Roman governors had ruled Judea up to the year 41, but in that year it was given over to Herod. He was a sophisticated type of person, a diplomat, so bent on consolidating his power that he had become a master of intrigue and a total opportunist. For largely political motives he practised Judaism with a certain
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